What to look at
First thing first, moves are larger. The rod is 33 % longer from 9′ to 12′. On the first cast I make a minimal change of directions over a very strong current and you can easily see the power of the two hands rod when the line goes straight to the other side. In the downstream shots and the slow motion, you must notice the way I lift the line out. It seems very ample from the longer rod. Then comes the reverse C of the C-Cast. It is elongated to accommodate the longer line I have. You could do a rounder C but only if your length of line is short and it doesn’t finish in a pile. In this demo, you can see that the line is set on the water asymmetrically around me. I do that to set my leader the straightest possible for the forward cast. If the line was round all along the leader would whip.
Training hints
In C Cast, the most important is to reverse the line to set it up in front of you. To get this goal, the only way is to start at the right point to be able to finish where you want. Remember, the fly must be at one length of rod, 45 ° of your axle. For each set of the fly, there is only one good cast! And I mean it. If you miss your goal and set the fly elsewhere you must change your cast direction.
So training is mainly to be able to get the line out of the water with the C and set it up in front of you. Usually student are afraid to go too far on the left (assuming they cast right handed). There is no problem with going far, you must straight down the line. The other point is that the C takes ALL of the line out of the water and then you set it up.