The app offers original features for any salmon angler who is new to or already familiar with the St. Marguerite River in Quebec.

The website for the new app has been launched.
The app offers original features for any salmon angler who is new to or already familiar with the St. Marguerite River in Quebec.
After guiding anglers throughout the 2021 season, regardless of their level of knowledge, the questions they asked me at the end of the session were always the same:
- where am I going this afternoon and tomorrow?
- what fly am I using?
- Where do I start fishing?
The app aims to answer these questions, but also to allow you to explore the river before you go or to prepare for the next day by identifying the pools you would like to explore. The app also allows you to discover less frequented pools, especially the beautiful pools at the top of the river which deserve to be visited not only for the setting they offer, but also for the quality of fishing.
It is not intended to replace a guide that will give you much more information than this app which is only a technological means, but to complement with useful information when you are alone on the river bank.
Tight lines.
Information about the pools
The app gives all the useful information for the fisherman on the majority of the pools:
- pool rating, from the most productive to the abandoned pools, the
- the current speed at normal water level,
- the species found, salmon or sea trout or both
- the distance from the office as a reference point and a Google map
- a video of the path to the office and the difficulty of getting there, some of them having a particularly rough path
- a video of discoveries with aerial views to better see the currents
- photos with depression display
- a 360 panorama showing the head and tail of the pool
Proposal of a pool
The app uses the weather to find the luminosity and the wind to propose a pool according to the time of day. It is not artificial intelligence, which is a chimera, but simply a proposal based on experience. All pools are classified according to their position, orientation, current and other characteristics acquired through practice. And it is a simple calculation that allows to propose a pool. At the end of this calculation, so that not everyone rushes into the same pool or, from another point of view, to add the luck factor, the app displays one of the pools that gathers the most criteria used. In the future, other relevant information will be added, such as water level, but also the actual catches.
Collection of flies
The app has a small collection of flies with, in the same way as for the pools, fishing characteristics have been given, which allows to propose a fly on the same kind of criteria as the pools.
Other information
The app gives of course all the practical information such as the price of fishing permits and fishing days according to the sectors, the price of renting equipment such as fishing rods or boots, as well as the prices of accommodation. A questionnaire allows you to get an approximate calculation of the total costs, for example the price of the license, three days of fishing, no equipment, but three days of camping.
Web Site
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